Contact Us

GIFS is an INSETA accredited training provider, offering training to learners who wish to achieve qualifications and skills in the Financial Services sector.

How can we help you?

Become a GIFS student
Are you passionate about the Financial Services Sector? GIFS provides you with customisable training solutions accommodating all your corporate needs in line with FAIS legislation.
Register your company with GIFS
I need help with the Registration Process
One of our friendly and highly-skilled academic coordinators will help guide you through our easy registration process.

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Technology giving you a hard time? Our tech experts are on-hand to help you with queries about credit mappings, quotations, technical support, log-in enquiries, usernames and passwords, training schedules, enrolment keys and learning material.

[email protected]


The GIFS model is based on providing an invaluable, career-altering experience. We only work with individuals who are serious about ramping up their careers within the Financial Services Sector. For queries about our wide range of programme offerings, kindly contact our support team.

[email protected]


Our number-crunchers are everything you expect finance pros to be: methodical, detailed and efficient. They will happily assist with any queries you have about quotes, invoices etc.

[email protected]

Already a Student?

Contact student support.
Our Support staff are the best in the biz! They’re standing by to help you.

Student Support